发布日期:2025-01-04 16:04 点击次数:59
中国常驻联合国代表团临时代办戴兵8日在联合国大会否决权使用会议上表示,3月22日,中国同阿尔及利亚、俄罗斯一道,在安理会对美国提出的加沙局势决议草案投了反对票。中方这一决定基于维护国际公道正义,基于维护《联合国宪章》宗旨和尊严,基于维护安理会的责任和权威,也是充分考虑到阿拉伯国家对这份草案的严重关切和强烈不满。戴兵 资料图 图源:视觉中国A Chinese envoy on Monday shared China's resolute stance on the use of veto power in the UN Security Council, particularly regarding a draft resolution on March 22, emphasizing the imperative to uphold international justice. Addressing the UN General Assembly meeting debating the use of veto power in the Security Council, Dai Bing, the charge d'affaires of China's permanent mission to the United Nations, explained why China, together with Algeria and Russia, firmly opposed on March 22 a US-proposed draft resolution on Gaza. He highlighted the necessity of "upholding international justice, the purposes and dignity of the UN Charter, and the responsibility and authority of the Security Council."戴兵说,加沙冲突爆发以来,国际社会早已形成停火止战的压倒性呼声,迫切期待安理会采取实质行动。而美国作为对当事方有重要影响力的国家,却一再阻挠安理会就停火发声,并先后四次否决安理会推动实现立即停火的行动努力。此后美方提出了决议草案,但在最核心的停火问题上含糊其辞,玩弄文字游戏,实质就是企图通过为停火设置前提条件,挟持安理会为其错误的政策主张背书。美国的决议草案背离了安理会成员已有共识,与国际社会的期待背道而驰。如果通过,意味着加沙的杀戮还将继续,意味着违反国际法、国际人道法的恶行还将继续。对这样一份将带来严重后果的决议草案,中方毫不犹豫地行使了否决权。作为常任理事国,中方勇担责任,赢得了国际社会的广泛支持。Dai conveyed the collective aspiration for peace that had been echoing across the international community since the onset of the Gaza conflict. "Since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, the international community has been calling overwhelmingly for a ceasefire and an end to the fighting, urgently expecting the Security Council to take concrete actions," he said. He criticized the United States for its repeated obstructions to a ceasefire and for its draft resolution, which he said was evasive on the ceasefire issue and attempted to manipulate the Security Council to endorse Washington's erroneous policies by setting preconditions for a ceasefire. "The US draft resolution deviates from the consensus of the council members and runs counter to the expectations of the international community. If adopted, it will mean that the killings in Gaza will continue. It will mean that the vicious act of violating international law and international humanitarian law will continue," the ambassador stressed. China's unwavering exercise of its veto power was portrayed by Dai as a principled stand for justice, compelling the United States to recognize its inability to further hinder the council's progress towards peace. "China has no hesitation in exercising its veto against a draft resolution that will have such serious consequences. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has stepped up to shoulder its responsibilities and won the broad support of the international community."戴兵表示,事实证明,正是中国和有关国家坚持原则、主持正义,坚决果断行使否决权,才迫使美国认识到不能也无法再继续阻挠安理会走上正确方向、迈出关键步伐,为安理会随后通过10个非常任理事国提出的要求加沙立即停火的第2728号决议扫清了障碍、创造了条件。中方行使否决权与安理会绝大多数成员所作努力是一致的,经得起历史检验。"Facts have proven that it was because of China and relevant countries' adherence to principles, justice, and resolute exercise of vetoes, that the United States has eventually realized that it cannot and is no longer able to continue to stop the Security Council for moving in the right direction and taking crucial steps," he stressed. Dai highlighted the subsequent adoption of resolution 2728, which called for an immediate ceasefire, as a pivotal moment enabled by China's resolute stance.戴兵强调,第2728号决议是加沙冲突爆发5个多月后,安理会通过的第一份明确要求立即停火的决议。全面落实决议要求是当前最紧迫的任务。安理会的决议具有约束力,必须全面执行。这是《联合国宪章》规定的义务,也是每个国家在加入联合国时作出的承诺。这一点毋庸置疑,不容挑战。令人难以置信的是,第2728号决议刚刚通过,美国代表当场就宣称决议不具有约束力。美方的言行不符合作为安理会常任理事国的身份,亵渎了作为安理会成员应该承担的责任,严重损害安理会的权威和信誉。The ambassador underscored the binding nature of Security Council resolutions, particularly resolution 2728, which demands an immediate ceasefire. He voiced disbelief and criticism toward the United States' claim that the resolution was "non-binding," stressing that such a stance undermined the council's authority and credibility. Dai's address further encompassed a call to action, urging Israel to cease military aggression and lift the blockade on Gaza, and urging the United States to shoulder its responsibilities as a permanent member of the Security Council.戴兵说,中方敦促以色列郑重履行联合国会员国义务,切实遵守安理会决议要求,立即停止对加沙地带的军事进攻,停止对加沙地带民众的集体惩罚;立即解除对加沙地带的封锁和对人道物资准入的人为设障,全面配合开放所有陆路口岸。中方敦促美国作为安理会常任理事国,切实承担自身责任,维护安理会权威,认真落实并推动以色列全面落实安理会第2728号决议。中方支持安理会根据形势发展采取进一步必要行动。如果安理会决议不能得到及时有效执行,加沙冲突持续延宕,其负面外溢影响将进一步加剧。He also expressed deep concern over the recent airstrikes on Iranian diplomatic premises in Syria, condemning the violation of international law and warning of the risk it poses to regional stability.戴兵表示,巴以问题久拖不决的症结在于“两国方案”没有得到落实。中方支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国。巴方已要求安理会重启审议巴方提出的申请,中方支持安理会尽快就此采取行动。Concluding his remarks, Dai revisited the core issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict — the unfulfilled two-state solution. He reaffirmed China's support for Palestine's membership in the United Nations and urged swift action from the Security Council on this matter.联大2022年4月通过决议,规定联大主席应在安理会一个或多个常任理事国投出否决票后10个工作日内召开联大正式会议,就投否决票所涉问题进行辩论,除非联大正就同一问题举行紧急特别会议。The UN General Assembly on April 26, 2022, adopted a resolution that allows it to convene automatically when a veto is cast in the Security Council. The resolution stipulates that the president of the General Assembly shall convene a formal meeting of the assembly within 10 working days of the casting of a veto by one or more permanent members of the Security Council, to hold a debate on the situation provided that the assembly does not meet in an emergency special session on the same situation.编辑:朱迪齐来源:新华社
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